John Oliver Skewers Labor Day in Hilarious ‘Last Week Tonight’ Digital Short — Watch
John Oliver Skewers Labor Day in Hilarious ‘Last Week Tonight’ Digital Short — Watch
The host says we should be using more holidays as arbitrary points to stop doing things.
They say you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day and “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver is using that adage as inspiration for a handful of other things that people should stop doing.
“We should be using more holidays as arbitrary points to stop doing things,” Oliver said in his latest web exclusive. “We should have a rule that, after Thanksgiving, you have to stop decorating your home with gourds. It’s cute in October, it’s acceptable but obnoxiously folksy in November, but after that, you’re just keeping loose produce lying around.”
Oliver also suggested a new deadline for when people should stop drinking eggnog: New Year’s Eve. “If you start your calendar year by consuming a beverage with the density and nutritional value of molten steel, scrap the rest of your resolutions and take care of your f**king nog problem.”
Aside from banning certain traditions relating to holidays, he also stated a few phrases that should be banned and things you should do when people tell you a boring story. Check out the video below.
“Last Week Tonight” returns to HBO on September 25.
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